Kootenai Christian Service Camp

Senior Camp

Bring a Friend Discount

15% OFF

If you bring a friend, who has never been to Kootenai before, you and your friend get 15% off your tuition (100$ tuition – 15% = 85$)

Senior Camp is for students who will be entering grades 10-12 in the fall. Students may also attend Senior Camp at KCC during the summer immediately following high school graduation.

For both Senior Camp and Intermediate Camp, special emphasis is placed on:

A deeper-life learning experience

Greater awareness of missions

Challenge to full-time Christian service

Encouragement to attend a Bible College or Christian College

Classes taught by Christian College professors whenever possible

Three different classes are held each morning. These classes are part of a three-year cyclical curriculum, which also involves Intermediate and Junior weeks. Each year’s set of classes stands alone, but a student who attends camp from the 4th through 12th grades will attend a total of 27 different classes. Having a structured curriculum prevents campers from having the “same old thing” year after year.

There is also a morning chapel session with singing and preaching. Weather permitting, this takes place on “Noble Knob”, just a short hike up the mountain. The picture at the top of this page was taken there, and there is also a great view of the lake. It’s not unusual to see osprey or even eagles flying around.

After supper and “YNI” (You Name It – a variety of team activities determined by the dean), campers gather for Evening Vespers. This time involves more singing along with challenging, inspirational speaking. The evening is rounded out by Campfire – yep, more singing and speaking, right down on the water’s edge in front of a blazing fire – followed by team prayer time.

Of course, camp includes a lot of other activities. Organized sports and recreation pits teams against each other in spirited competition. There’s swimming and boating time where campers can enjoy paddling canoes, fishing, swimming, and tubing. Campers are encouraged to bring Frisbees, baseballs and gloves, footballs, and things like these to use during free time or as an alternative to water-related activities. Team activities may include drama/skits, a talent night, “Kootenai Squares” (our version of Hollywood Squares), or even faculty hide and seek.

And don’t forget the wonderful meals prepared by our cooks. Mmmmm….I can taste the pancakes already!

It’s a full week – full of learning, full of worship, full of fun, and full of opportunities to grow closer to Jesus. When it’s over, the comment we hear more than any other is, “I wish camp were TWO weeks long!”


Nice to have


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